Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wall diving in New England

As the season winds down, we have been booking trips through Cape Ann Divers to get out to Halfway Rock and BFW as much as we can in order to finish documenting these places before winter. Finally mother nature was on our side and we were pleased to observe incredible visibility at these sites. I was able to shoot Chuck Marrone against some impressive backdrops allowing for more perspective than I've ever previously been able to attain at these locations. If you haven't seen these places first hand, the pictures only represent tiny pieces of these colossal underwater structures.
Chuck at about 70' heading down at Halfway Rock.
Chuck running a reference line at BFW

Thursday, October 11, 2012

BFW Trailer

I just cut together this short on BFW. As I accumulate more footage I will do an extended cut. Enjoy!

BFW Trailer from Green Diver on Vimeo.